Tharkor Discovers How to Climb Things

We started out small and fought against the Dwarven skeletons at the abandoned ruins near the Gold Tower. That quickly paled as we discovered that, wonder of wonders, we were too powerful for thse puny piles of putrescence. friend, Aaba said "Hey...I know this place..." and we followed him to a very strange artifact in the hills South of the Faydark Pass.

Like to Play a Game, Professor Falken?

I sat and gaped in wonder at this gigantic chessboard out in the middle of nowwhere. Who could have built it? Why did they build it? What kind of giants would use such pieces for play? All of these questions went unanswered. However, we quickly found that not ALL the pieces used on the board were made of stone.

Exactly WHAT is This a Skeleton Of?

Some of the pieces were made of bone. Undead bone. Very BIG undead bone. In fact, the darn things towered over our troubled trio. But, aside from one narrow escape (when one suddenly appeared from the bones of one of the fallen and we were already fatigued from previous battles), we dominated this battlefield also. All in all, a very good day and some rollicking adventures. (And, yes, that Dwarf's name really is Kiggle. A light hearted chap, even in the face of death.)

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