Andalurin wasn't around this day, but Wila and I managed to get back together for the evening. Of course, we were saddled with a bunch of lamebrain knuckleheads that demanded Wila do nothing but sit, meditate and heal all night while they cavorted around kiling things. It took us a while, but eventually we shook them and made our escape.

Wila, trapped in the Meditation that Time Forgot

We headed back toward Black Burrow (from the Karanas) when we accidentally stumbled into Morel. Morel was on a quest for the putrid bones of a skeleton so he could earn the yellow sash of monkhood. The gods only know what the monks wanted with the putrid bones, but hey...I'm not asking.

A Chance Meeting

Anyway, after finding out how tough Dread Corpses are the hard way (both Morel and I died), we tried again with much more success. When I left for the evening, Morel was two-thirds of the way to completing his quest. I hope he made it. (By the way, the skeletons at these ruins are very cool...they reanimate when you attack them, going from a pile of bones on the ground and reassembling into an attacker when you target them. Awesome.)

Wila has become a stalwart friend. I look forward to teaming with her again soon.


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