Just a few miscellaneous memories from the last days. Halena stripped off all her belongings and handed them over to her sister, Wila for care. She then took off across the Karanas to see what she could see.
The trip was incredibly frightening and one constant adrenaline rush. In fact, there were so many fearsome threats to her existence that she spent most of her time running away and neglected to record images of everything she saw. (There was literally danger around every corner.)
But she did record a few things.
First of all, she journeyed past Highpass Hold. This is a VERY scary place. There were hordes of Hill Giants, Griffons and other fearsome beasts patrolling about a high tower on a hill. One day, Halena hopes to journey into that tower. It looks like a real thrill ride.
Narrowly escaping many dangers, Halena eventually made it to a long stone bridge. Oddly...right in front of that bridge...were four obelisks that looked exactly the same as ones she had heard of in Greater Faydark. Could there be some connection?
Haven't I Seen This Before?
Crossing the bridge, Halena passed into a wide savannah-like area known as Northern Karanas. There she encountered Cyclopses, Splitpaw Gnolls, and Centaur Archers. She steered clear of all of them, but managed to find time to record this single image of a passing Elephant. The image doesn't do it justice...it was HUGE.
I Wonder How Much Those Tusks are Worth?
Halena ran past an Aztec-style pyramid guarded by Splitpaw Gnolls, a house in the center of a gigantic fortified wall (very curious about that), and eventually stumbled upon a fishing village on the far side of the world. There she resupplied, (she had become very low on food and water), and continued her journeys. (Quite honestly, Halena was very surprised to not be dead by now.)
The fishing village turned out to be the turning point of the trip as Halena followed what appeared to be the Edge of the World (an incredibly deep canyon with no way across), which eventually curved her back around to a gigantic stone bridge similar to the one she had crossed from Highpass Hold.
She crossed the bridge and found herself in familiar territory again. Against all odds, Halena was going to make it home!
She eventually returned to Blackburrow, streaked through it and shivered her way home to Halas where she linked up with Wila again.
Perhaps there is something to consigning ones self to certain oblivion. It seemed to have given Halena a kind of charm of invulnerability. My guess is that if she had entered the realm with any intention of living, she would be chasing her corpse right now. Ah, well...the luck of the ignorant.
The Sisters Trade Stories One Last Time