Sheer Audacity Attacking a Drake

Well, today was a slow day in the world of Norrath. However, we did manage to have one novel battle when we took on a couple of the Emerald Drakes in the area. It was amazing how a few short days ago, this would have meant sure death...but now we handled the task quite easily.

We spent the rest of the day training Melikki in the art of getting killed by Skeleton Pawns. For the first time, I saw Skeleton Bishops, Rooks, and even a King. To all who would battle these undead giants...BEWARE!!! Undead Kings drain mana from any who fight them. This can be VERY nasty if you are relying on magic to save you.

Look Ma! I Got New Threads!!

The only other thing that made a huge impression on me was the fact that I made the deal of the century. I befriended a Half-Elf traveller in the Wood Elf city. The fellow had defeated the Emperor Crushbone himself and stolen a magical chainmail tunic. It reists cold and fire, as well as being a fine suit of chain. Apparently, I was a great listener and a scintillating conversationalist, because the fellow just gave me the suit of chain and wandered off. What a swell fellow.

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