Sometimes, it's fun to be a tallun for a change. Halena has been slowly getting more familiar with the way of the blade over the last few weeks, but today was her first time out of the snows around Halas and into the dark, dankness of BlackBurrow itself.
What a blast!
The place is like Crushbone on steroids! Halena hooked up with two other Barbarians, Brotherwu and Elaya (both Shamans). The fact that they had healing arts was a very good thing because Blackburrow is literally teeming with hordes of gnolls. Tough gnolls, scrawny gnolls, patrolling gnolls, watcher gnolls, even gnolls with chicken pox (sorry...obscure reference to an old TV commercial).
The shot taken here just doesn't do justice to the situation. This was taken scant seconds after a fight in which no less than 12 characters and over 20 gnolls fought in the confined space of a single room It was a serious madhouse.
Recovering from the Whirlwind
Eventually, we retreated after someone pulled a serious train from down below that was composed entirely of things far too tough for us to even pretend to fight.
So, we scampered off and Brotherwu showed me the way to Qeynos. So Halena forged ahead into the brightly lit daylight of a strange land. Oddly enough, it was also a fairly boring land.
However, Elaya told me of a land known as Karacas (or something like that) that purportedly has lions and nasty things in it. I'll defintely be taking a stroll over there soon. It's nice to get out of the snow once in a while.
Here's a shot of the two Barbarians as they make their way back from Qeynos through BlackBurrow and, eventually, back to Halas. What a hoot!
Coming Back through BlackBurrow