After a short break for rest, I delved back into the Black Burrow. This time, however, there were many flies in the ointment. It seems that several powerful parties were stirring things up quite seriously in the bowels of Black Burrow below. This resulted in HUGE trains of gnolls pouring through over the bridge to the surface. That same bridge where Halena and her new friend, Andalurin were standing.
Always a glutton for punishment, the two heroes endured no less than four or five of these trains, and got VERY good at running away (run away, run away!). They also killed a LOT of gnolls.
Train Spotting
Along the way, they hooked up with another Shaman named Wila. The three adventurers, Halena, Wila and Andalurin made a fantastic team (two shamans and a warrior), and they eventually worked their way into Qeynos proper. It was a long run through the nigth, but eventually they reached a plain full of lions, gigantic spiders, and grizzly bears.
Marathon Woman
In fact, they eventually found a home near a guard tower far, far away from anything they had ever seen. (But somewhere close to something called "Highpass Hold", whatever that is...) Many adventures and stories were swapped, and in general, a fantastic time was had by all.
The Three New Friends
In fact, eveyone got along so famously that they plan to do it all again soon. The dream of all is to become tough enough to make the journey all the way to Kaladim, just to see the looks on the faces of the Dwarves as the three polar bear heads come waltzing through.