Noble Lions Characters on the Test Server
Tharkor Dwarven Cleric 11th level (UO - Rock) |
Maeric Half-Elf Ranger 18th level (UO - Leoric the Black) |
Merrick Woodelf Bard 8th level (UO - Leoric the Black) |
Melikki Wood Elf Druid 9th level (UO - Merith) |
Rakhiier Half-Elf Rogue 5th Level (UO - Rakhier) |
Dumatoin Dwarven Warrior 13th level (Met in EQ Beta) |
Kiggle Dwarven Paladin 10th level (Met in EQ Beta) |
Lorna Dark Elf Enchanter 8th level (UO - Luna) |
Lunara Dwarven Rogue 13th level (UO - Luna) |
Ravinn Erudite Magician 8th level (UO - Raven) |
Beowuf Human Bard 8th level (UO - Beowulf) |
Halena Barbarian Warrior 10th level (UO - Rock) |
Dwahvel Dark Elf Warrior 4th level (UO - Leoric the Black) |
Laureli Human Monk 4th level (UO - Rock) |
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Rituk Barbarian Warrior 4th level (UO - Merith) |
Morel Human Monk 7th level (UO - Merith) |
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Arkane Erudite Wizard 5th level (UO - Raven) |
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Alustriel High Elf Wizard 16th level (UO - Luna) |
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Tearina Halfling Druid 13th level (UO - Luna) |
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Merith Wood Elf Ranger 5th level (UO - Merith) |
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Kandarian Barbarian Rogue 5th level (UO - Rakhier, Rathe Server) |
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Rakhiron Dwarven Paladin 5th level (UO - Rakhier) |
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Rakheer High-Elf Paladin level unknown (UO - Rakhier) |
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Florin High Elf Wizard 5th level (UO - Merith) |