A new age is upon us. The world had been torn asunder by a battle between Gods, but then the pieces were reassembled and the souls recycled so that they sprang upon the land like babes in the wood.
Friends and companions from the Elder Ages beheld one another with familiar, yet unfamilar eyes. Lands were explored, yet seemed strangley reminiscent. All the worlds' peoples seemed to wander about in a perpetual sense of Deja Vu.
Yet, as the new names and faces became more familiar, the old sense of camraderie and adventure resurfaced once again. Bands of adventurers grouped together and sallied forth across the land and bats, rats, snakes, kobolds, gobbos, and bears fell in great swaths as the old and new souls tested their mettle against convenient opponents.
This is just the beginning. MANY adventures and stories await us.
Testing the Waters (so to speak)