Well, to no one's surprise, this day began in much the same way that the last one ended. The Three Who Are None were fighting, dying, fighting, dying, fighting, and dying again. It's a bit of a habit with them.
Ooooooh...Don't We Look Fierce?!?
However, this time they got fairly big for their britches and decided to start seeing how they would do against ogres, fierce skeletons, and gigantic beetles. The results...well...less than spectacular would be accurate. The picture here shows Hakim hiding on top of a building, praying that the guards are strong enough to protect him.
A Cozy Perch for the Little Yellow Bird
Finally, Hakim found something he could tackle on his own. While a gobbo still looms large over the little fellow, Hakim's fiery magics soon cut him down to size.
Great Gobs of Glittering Gobbo
After running from Steamfont to Butcherblock too many times and despairing that it would have to be done yet again if he died, Hakim decided to return home. But on the way home, he stopped by Felwithe to meet up with the half-elf, Raja. There were literally HUNDREDS of elves outside the city. They must be having a serious population control problem. (And I thought legend had it that elves weren't very fertile. Not so, gentle reader...not so. There are more elves in the world than you can shake a stick at.)
Just in case no one knows what it's like to be truly small, I just thought you'd like to see what a High Elf Guard looks like to me. It's no wonder that I never break a law. Would you?
This Elf Couldn't Get Much Higher
At last, I returned home to Steamfont. There I challenged myself over and over again, before finally taking a break, doing some fishing, and visiting the Ak'Anon zoo. Who would have thought the Keepers would pen a Minotaur up for citizens to jeer at. (I did plenty of jeering though...)
A Room With a View