No major journeys or achievements recently, but here's a few snaps just to show a few of the interesting, frustrating, or fun things that have happened recently. Enjoy. Real stories should start again soon.
Are They Twins, Or Aren't They?
Dumatoin, Tharkor, and Graul attacked the Undead Chessboard again (first time since rebirth), and found it an amazingly boring proposition. This is one of the most heavily camped sites I've encountered in the game and it's darn hard to find opponents here unless you do it in the middle of the night or while everyone is working.
Just Say No to Vacto
Winner of Most Frustrating Thing to Happen to Tharkor: Spent four days getting a pristine giant beetle carapace (thanks Graul), went back to Vacto to make the armor. He had lowered the price from 33 gold to 23 gold (should have been suspicious then and there). I gave him the carapace and the gold, and he said the above phrase. As you can see, he created the carapace, took the money, gave me the faction awards...but DID NOT GIVE ME THE ARMOR BREASTPLATE! (argh). He did, however, say that I was supposed to have given him 33 gold...not 23. I petitioned the GMs, they came, said "thanks for catching the bug...but we're're screwed." They will not compensate me for the carapace, the gold, and they will not take an additional 10 gold to complete the quest. Beware, fellow Lions.
The Almost Meeting
A chance gathering in Steamfont near the minotaur lair entrance brought many of the core members of the Lions together. (This was the first time I've personally seen Sammson in the game...well met, Sammson!) We hunted around a bit and watched our mighty leader, Melikki fall in battle. Poor Melikki. *Tharkor cries over Melikki's corpse1*
The Gobbo Knew I had a Camera
This wasn't a tough fight, but it always amuses me when the critters do something odd. This gobbo jumped up onto the anvil and struck blows down at me from above. It was very intimidating...but I killed him anyway.
Rivervale's Citadel of Justice
I know a lot of you have never made it to the Halfling home of Rivervale. It's a very entertaining town. Full of comedy, lots of mini-quests, and the players there are (mostly) very friendly...probably due to a lower population density. I personally think Rivervale is a great base of operations because there is WIDELY varied hunting only a couple zones in each direction. (Anywhere from lvl 1 to lvl 30.) I think I'll spend some time out there when Tharkor hits 10.