Well...yahoo! Tharkor decided to have some fun and live a little. Faydwer was stretching a bit thin as our intrepid storyteller realized he had seen almost every nook and crannie of it. (But Dumatoin has stories to tell about Unrest now...)
So...he jumped on the boat, headed to Freeport, bound his soul to Antonica and journeyed south to meet up with his gnomish pal, Graul.
Did You Guys Know There are Crocodiles in This Water? (I Thought Not)
Graul had managed to locate one of the Noble Lions' lost souls...Jastaar. This purple-faced inky is a rocking good soul, despite his evil ancestry. We also met (and got along well with) a high-elf cleric named Tallisianna. Yup...even the professed elf despiser Tharkor liked her. (A little bit...hehehe).
See that rock behind us? Well, Jastaar decided he was going to high dive off the top of it. It was when we all started diving into the water, that I found this school of gators swimming about. It was just too darn cool. Here's some pix.
You've Heard of Swimming With the Sharks? This is My Version.
But we didn't just swim with 'em. We also killed 'em, skinned 'em, and robbed them of their meat. Damn. There's boys in Louisiana (a far-flung land in another world) that would be mighty proud of us.
Making Luggage Out of Gators
Jastaar Demonstrates the Long-Lost Dark Elven Art of Gator Surfing.
We saw too much for one chronicle, so this is continued in "Dirty, Dusty, and Down Right Mean". See ya there.